Thank You to BWC Pre-Conference Workshop Participants for Being Agents of Hope!

Joe and I were honored and humbled to be in a packed room of people desiring to connect for a change. After explaining the genesis for the book, we asked the participants to reflect on how the video resembled their local church.

The room preached on it! In a nutshell:

  • It only works if every part does its job and if there is a vision for what you are trying to make happen.

  • If we don’t have a plan, we are just a pile of parts.

  • There is synergy and momentum when each part does its job.

  • Sometimes it doesn’t look like there is enough movement, but progress still happens.

Thanks for all the sharing, learning and affirmation. We are hopeful that the leaders who gathered will build relationships, organize people, utilize assets and liberate congregations for the thriving of their communities.

Here’s the powerpoint deck as promised!

Christie Latona